Sustainability and energy efficiency for the HVAC sector

Sustainability and energy efficiency: to celebrate them Italy came up with a national day, but we all know that achieving them requires years of research, constant commitment, and a future-oriented strategy. Officially established in Italy last year, on February 16, the National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles aims to protect the environment and natural resources.

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A lifestyle, a choice, one of the most debated topics of the last decades: sustainability. A challenge, for sure, and sometimes, unhappily, even an exploited topic to ride the wave. Defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, sustainability requires responsible and balanced management of current economic, social, and environmental needs. For that very reason, there can be no sustainability without energy efficiency: avoiding waste, cutting CO2 emissions, and decreasing consumption of systems, facilities, and buildings are part of the main goals of sustainability-driven governments, institutions, and companies.
The purpose of the National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles is just that: to raise the country’s awareness of these issues, promoting activities and events that promote virtuous sustainable behaviours in citizens.
A clear example of this is the initiative of Caterpillar -an Italian radio program- M’illumino di Meno, which when started, back in 2005, proposed listeners turn off their lights to reduce environmental impact. Over the years, the green campaign has evolved, sharing a variety of ideas and projects: planting trees, choosing bicycles instead of cars, making more sustainable consumption choices, eliminating food waste, recycling properly, and using clean energy. Several organizations and associations, schools and companies have been participating in this initiative for years, organising, for example, candlelight dinners in exclusive locations and menus made with zero-mile ingredients.

The HVAC sector, for its part, has been at the centre of the energy issue and the preservation of the planet for several years now. All the experts can agree that our sector can and should improve the energy efficiency of buildings and transportation in favour of greater sustainability.

Errecom, awarded for the second year in a row as one of the top 100 sustainable companies in Italy, is also committed to doing its part. Specifically, it is through chemistry that the company improve the efficiency of heat pumps and air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Such systems are not only a bunch of mechanical components but are composed of chemical elements too. For the system to work efficiently, it is essential to take care of the refrigerant gas and the refrigeration lubricant over time, avoiding their chemical decay that otherwise would cause micro-leaks, oil fouling, moisture, and acidity. Not to mention that dirt and dust tend to settle over time on evaporator and condenser coils. Maintenance and cleaning should be the watchwords for every HVAC technician!

As far as it concerns R&D, the goal of Errecom’s chemical laboratory is to develop cutting-edge and innovative products to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the systems. Errecom has also been involved for years in promoting educational meetings, webinars, and speeches to raise awareness of the sustainability of the HVAC industry. To get more information on AC/R system maintenance, join Errecom Academy! It’s easy, fast and… free of charge!


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